World Services, My Intergroup, and Me

Nicotine Anonymous World Services

Nicotine Anonymous (NicA) is a fellowship of people helping each other to live our lives free of nicotine. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using nicotine. Nicotine Anonymous World Services (NAWS) and the regional Intergroups (IGs) exist to support all Nicotine Anonymous groups and individual members. The volunteer staff work to provide services, maintain our web site, undertake new projects, and facilitates ways to carry the message of recovery to nicotine addicts who still suffer. NAWS and Intergroups function in a capacity that individuals and groups would find difficult, if not impossible.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Nicotine Anonymous World Services has been granted permission from Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. to reprint and adapt their Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. This allows groups and individual members to use the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for their own recovery from nicotine addiction. The spiritual awakening that occurs as the result of working this program of recovery also brings a new joy and serenity into our lives. Becoming nicotine free is just one of the gifts a member can receive through this program.

Materials To Start A Meeting
Our World Services organization provides a free Materials To Start a Meeting kit to anyone setting up a new meeting. The kit includes a copy of each pamphlet, guidelines, meeting format suggestions, a sample meeting flyer and other items. Members benefit by having more meetings available, even when traveling. World Services provides a continuity and consistency to our fellowship so that any member can expect to find familiar words of recovery worldwide.

World Services publishes the books Nicotine Anonymous: The Book, Nicotine Anonymous Newcomer’s Booklet, Nicotine Anonymous Step Study Workbook, Our Path To Freedom,   Sponsorship in Nicotine Anonymous, The Twelve Traditions (booklet), and three books of daily meditations-- 90 Days, 90 Ways, (daily meditations), A Year of Miracles (daily meditations) Reflections on Freedom- Daily Meditations on the Steps of Recovery. NAWS publishes several pamphlets full of valuable information and inspiration. All our literature and materials can be purchased at our website or by contacting the NAWS office. These         materials have been written by recovering nicotine users who have volunteered their services. Literature translations contributed by members are available on our website (click on language links listed below our home page banner). 

Volunteers for World Services organize and publish our quarterly newsletter, SevenMinutes.  The newsletter contains reports about World Services' activities and the business addressed at World Services board meetings. 

Intergroups can send in news to announce their upcoming events (such as recovery weekends) and submit stories on what occurred there. Members also send in their personal recovery stories, poems, cartoons, etc., so they can be shared. SevenMinutes can be like listening at a meeting.

SevenMinutes can be read on our website here. A low-cost subscription for printed copies is available in our store. Free copies are provided to members who participate in the My Gift of Gratitude program.

Worldwide Meeting List (WWML)
NAWS also maintains a Worldwide Meeting List that volunteers update. This list is also valuable for members who are traveling and want the support of the fellowship. The List enables members to meet other recovering addicts from different regions or cultures. The website’s Meeting page includes access to this List for face-to-face meetings, as well as links to information about our internet and telephone meetings.

Postal and Email Pen Pal Lists
NAWS volunteers compile lists of members seeking pen pals either by post mail or email. The lists are available for interested people who do not have access to a meeting in their area.  Members are also encouraged to use these lists to share their messages of recovery with the people on these lists.

NAWS volunteers return calls (usually within 24 hours) that are received at our toll-free voicemail number, (877) TRY-NICA. We guide the caller to appropriate meeting and website information, answer questions, offer support, and sometimes become phone sponsors.  

The Dipper and Chewer
Nicotine is the addictive drug from which we seek recovery. NAWS supports all nicotine addicts, including the dipper and chewer of tobacco. This method of using nicotine has been often overlooked (see pamphlet: To the Dipper and Chewer).

Other Nicotine Products
NAWS has no opinion on products containing nicotine such as patches, gums, lozenges, e-cigarettes, and flavored capsules. However, our goal is to live free of nicotine. Any user of a nicotine product seeking help toward nicotine abstinence is welcome. (see Abstinence, What Is It? pamphlet) 

Funding and Finances
Although there are no dues or fees for members, Tradition Seven explains that we are self-supporting through the voluntary services of our members and donations from groups, Intergroups, and individuals. NAWS also seeks to cover its costs through literature sales, the Gift of Gratitude, and SevenMinutes subscriptions. Please remember when the basket is passed around during your meeting that you are supporting your recovery by helping to maintain your home group, Intergroup, and Nicotine Anonymous World Services. This is a "we" program!

Conferences and NAWS Board
Each year, at a selected city, willing members and delegates meet for a World Service Conference.  We discuss the business and services of the fellowship, as well as nominate and elect three new officers: Chairperson-Elect, Secretary-Elect, and Treasurer-Elect. They have specific assigned duties and learn from the three current and three emeritus board members. Last year's Elects become current officers; Active officers become emeritus officers. These nine volunteers work together as trusted servants to maintain the principles of the fellowship and to provide or oversee all the services previously described. 

NAWS board members oversee the efforts of the Staff Coordinators and committees who work at providing many of these services. Members of a Traditions Committee provide guidance to ensure that we stay within the guidelines of our Twelve Traditions.    

What is an Intergroup and What Services can an Intergroup Provide?

An Intergroup (IG) consists of representatives from individual groups within  a common meeting boundary, such as geographical, or technological. IG representatives are volunteers who meet regularly to exchange ideas, news, and organize IG special events such as recovery retreats and marathons.

IGs create and coordinate outreach activities to carry the message of Nicotine Anonymous. IG representatives support new meetings by attending and participating. They facilitate speaker exchanges between groups to widen the circle of fellowship and recovery.

An Intergroup maintains a meeting list and can may create an "Info-line" phone number listed under the Intergroup's name. Anyone looking for freedom from nicotine can call and connect with a service volunteer who can direct them to a meeting.

An Intergroup may buy literature to benefit their local groups. IGs also act as a liaison with our World Services Office. If interested in organizing an Intergroup in your area, please contact NAWS,

A Final Note: This is a "We" Program 
"Your Impossible Is Our Possible" is one of our slogans because this is a "we" program. Together, we change. The strength of the fellowship gives more strength to each member. Recovery and service go hand in hand. We don't look to graduate. Instead, we look to maintain our gratitude. Service is gratitude in action. Donations from individuals, groups, or Intergroups are also important ways to serve, express gratitude, and help carry our message of hope.

If you are interested in getting involved on a World Service level, there are many ways to do so. For example, volunteers answer telephone calls and e-mails from people requesting meeting or program information. We need contributors and editors for SevenMinutes. People can serve on various committees such as the Outreach Committee that helps carry our message of recovery to those who have not heard about Nicotine Anonymous. Translating literature also helps carry our message. If interested in offering service go to our Service page. You can also contact the office of Nicotine Anonymous World Services at  or mail request to our office address.

We realize the truth of Our Promises and that "we haven't given up anything at all." By letting go of nicotine we have received a precious gift. The spiritual awakening we receive as a result of practicing the Twelve Steps offers us a life that is more joyous, happy, and free living without nicotine.

Welcome to Nicotine Anonymous!

Order printed copies of this pamphlet at our Store.

Order printed copies
of this pamphlet
at our Store.


World Services, My Intergroup, and Me pamphlet  

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Please consider making a donation to support Nicotine Anonymous World Services (Tradition Seven) cover the costs of carrying our message of recovery to all nicotine addicts who seek recovery (Tradition Five).