Nicotine Anonymous Online Video Conference Meetings

For content changes in the calendars use the "Meeting Add/Change/Delete forms from the "Find Meeting" menu. 

We have two meeting calendars, the grid one below is an app from Teamup with time zone sensitive adjusting to your local time zone. It also has clickable Zoom links (in progress), You can also highlight/show/hide by language/ASL using filter buttons on the left (Phone users may have to use the phone horizontal landscape view). You can use the pull down menu  to the left of the menu icon on the right corner of the menu bar to change the view from Week/Month/Year down to a wider Day view. Clicking on a meeting will popup a card with meeting details and the ability to subscribe to meeting event notifications to your personal calendars with the "Share" button. And many more features! The older table style calendar table is still available if you scroll down. Please email [email protected] for any comments, suggestions or problems.  

It’s That Time Again!!!!

Many countries in North America like US and Canada, the clocks go BACK one hour on Sunday November 3rd at 2:00 am,  but many like El Salvador, Costa Rica and most of Mexico do not observe Daylight Savings Time(DST). Australia will move its clocks FORWARD one hour on October 6th. Europe and the UK will move it’s clocks BACK one hour on October 27th. Generally, most countries in Asia and Africa do not observe DST. Notable exceptions include Israel and Egypt. Some parts of South America have DST. 

If you attend meetings hosted in other countries, please double check when their time zone changes  at the link below

The Team up calendar will always adjust to the viewer’s time zone as various changes occur.

Spread the word at your favorite meetings!

See for more detail.

Learn About:

Zoom Meetings  Google Meetings  Voices of Nicotine Recovery Meetings  Nicotine Quit Buddies  Meetings  Our Disclaimer  Time Zones(legacy)  Customizing this Schedule(legacy), Reading Along with a Meeting  Tech Problems