What is a Delegate?
In Nicotine Anonymous (NicA), a delegate is a NicA member elected by a group or intergroup to represent them for one full year, most notably at the World Services Con- ference (WSC). Per the changes made to the NicA By-laws in April 2024, every registered NicA group may select a delegate who will be given voting rights at the WSC.
Additionally, registered Intergroups may select one delegate. In addition to carrying the group’s conscience to the WSC, a delegate also assumes the responsibility of keeping their group informed of activities and news related to the fellowship of NicA as a whole. This can be accomplished by attending board meetings, reading the SevenMinutes newsletter and subscribing to NicA News.
Who Can be a Delegate?
Any NicA member elected by their group can be a delegate. While there is no standard nicotine-free requirement, whenever possible, it’s suggested that a delegate have a minimum of one (1) year current and continuous freedom from nicotine.
Delegates are expected to be informed as to any issues or concerns of the group or Intergroup they represent. It’s suggested that delegates attend their homegroup meeting regularly, participate in group business meetings and have experience serving the group through previous commitments like chairing meetings, etc.
Also - any person who is currently serving as an officer of the Corporation (Nicotine Anonymous World Services) shall be considered a delegate-at-large to the World Services Conference. As such, each of these officers shall be a voting delegate.
How and When Should I Register as a Delegate?
Groups and Intergroups may select delegates at any time during the year. To send a delegate to the current World Services Conference being held May 2-4, 2025 in Austin, Texas, a group must be formally registered and provide the name of their delegate sixty (60) days prior to WSC opening. Delegates register with the Secretary Emeritus at [email protected].
What are the Main Duties of a Delegate?
a. Per the NicA By-Laws: Roles and Responsibilities of delegates are as follows:
Attend the group or Intergroup that they represent.
b. Attend the annual World Services Conference in person or by video conference.
c. Attend any special meeting as described in Article VIII – Meetings of Delegates, Section 2 Special Meetings.
d. Vote on items at the annual World Services Conference.
e. Disseminate information and communication to their group or Intergroup from the fellowship, conference, quarterly board meetings, and/or special meetings during their term.
f. Provide feedback from their group or Intergroup at workshops and the fellowship at large.
g. Suggest that each Delegate participates with at least one of the Nicotine Anonymous committees.
Delegates and any member of Nicotine Anonymous can contact the NAWS chairperson at [email protected] or any member of the Board. The Secretary Emeritus is your primary contact for the WSC at secretary- [email protected]
See the information about the upcoming delegate workshop information on the side panel on this page.Major decisions are a part of each Conference. This is the one time each year when matters of business, new literature and outreach are voted on. In order to vote, it is necessary to become a delegate.

Our Upcoming Delegate Workshop
11:00 am - 12:00 pm US EST
Find out about what to expect when you go to the Nicotine Anonymous World Services (NAWS) Conference. This will be helpful for current and potential delegates as well as the fellowship as a whole.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm US EST
Find out about the many NAWS service committees on which members of the fellowship can serve. Information will be provided on service committees where each current Committee Coordinator is being asked to take 2 -3 minutes to present information about the Committee they serve, including the Committee’s name, its purpose, and the needs of the committee, along with how members of the fellowship can volunteer.
All are welcome but registration is appreciated. Register by sending your first name, last initial and email address to
This will so that we can send you Workshop handouts in advance and get your feedback afterwards.
We are very excited to offer this information to the fellowship. NAWS volunteer service opportunities are a great way to serve the whole fellowship for “our common welfare.”
Attend the Workshop:
Zoom Meeting Id 666 426 8463 Password:121212